Saturday 5 April 2014

5th April

The problem with photos here is that the bandwidth is too small so with Rick's very patient help I had to transfer them to a laptop, compress them and transfer them back to my phone. It took ages so I am hoping to find an easier answer.
I was up at 5.30 Friday to go tracking with Jane but at 5.31 it started to rain so we couldn't go as it quickly washes away tracks. So when I reported for work they said those magic words anyone volunteering in the African bush wants to hear "Can you do an Excel spreadsheet?"
Reader, you know that I cannot set up an Excel spreadsheet to save my life but luckily I just had to update actually a lot of data on cheetah sightings so it was quite interesting and I didn't mind at all. I did some other office work on the upcoming bush camp and the inventory.
My ground squirrel tally is now two but apart from geckos, bugs and birds not much else. Oh I did see a snake which crossed the path in front of me but it was only a grass snake although a lot bigger than ours. The bugs here are huge with hard wing cases and at night they crash into the metal and wood structures which sounds like a rifle range (machine guns? rifles? it's dangerous out there). The dung beetles keep trying to roll off with a nugget of food from the dog's bowl, easy mistake and but probably not one their offspring would appreciate.
Last count 32 mosquito bites despite five different kinds of spray, I knew my fresh European blood would be Beaujolais Nouveau out here...
Friday night and Saturday were very interesting. More next time.

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