Sunday 6 April 2014

6th April

On Friday night I was invited to dinner along with Rick and Jane at the home of Kevin and Merle Grant who farm the land on which CCB is situated. They are the nearest neighbours but it still took 45 minutes to get there of which 30 minutes was on their incredibly bumpy "driveway"
It was a lovely evening, they were very friendly and welcoming and great food. Kevin is a member of Birdlife Botswana (Harold is President) and trying to raise awareness for the plight of the vultures which are in serious decline in Africa. Among other interesting guests was Jenyva Turner, Head Keeper from Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado
who is supporting a vulture conservation group called Vulpro in South Africa. Jenyva (like Geneva) gave a talk in Ghanzi  the following day which was well attended by  local school children and some local farmers. I took some photos which I'll upload when I can.
I had  no idea vultures were endangered but they are because of poisoning aimed at other species, collisions with power cables and toxic medication in the animals they scavenge, also lead shot. As nature's garbage men they play an essential role in cleaning up the environment and preventing the spread of disease . In India the decline in vultures has led to an explosion of rats and feral dogs.
So, cheetahs and vultures both endangered..
Serious stuff for Sunday lunchtime.
I'm off to find a shady spot to read a magazine
More later...

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