Friday 21 March 2014

22nd March

One week to go...
The second weigh in is almost up to the 23kg limit, at least I think it is, but I can barely lift the case clear of the  floor on the weighing gizmo so hard to be  accurate. CCB (Cheetah Conservation Botswana) asked me this week to find them a CR-123 battery charger and some rechargeable batteries which they use in camera traps and can't get easily. This all weighs a ton so I'm having to make some hard decisions.

The mosquito net was a doddle I now know how to hang one five different ways. Repacking it was another story, like getting Kate Middleton's veil into a small sponge bag, luckily without the tiara.

This time next week I'll be at Heathrow so my next update will be when I get to Gaborone the capital of Botswana where I'm spending a few days with Harold and Geraldine Hester before heading out to the Kalahari.

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