Monday 31 March 2014

31st March

Just a quick update before I fly up to Maun tomorrow and then down to the Kalahari. If you have a map I'll be near Ghanzi which is to the Western side of Botswana where it borders Namibia.

I've had a wonderful few days with Harold and Geraldine. They are very keen birders and in two days we have seen and recorded eighty birds, many very exotic ones in and around their garden.  We spent Sunday morning sailing up a nearby creek which prior to mid December was completely dry . Hard to believe from the picture, and harder still to believe that crocodiles have found their way there already.  We saw a six footer on a tiny island mid stream. I decided to forgo the photo opportunity lest I fell in or dropped the camera as there were no sides to the boat.

I heard  from Ghanzi camp that their Internet connection had been down for ten days, so I'll update when I can.

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