Sunday 30 March 2014

29th March

Remind me never to take a night flight ever again. Oh wait, I've got one on the way back..
I've arrived safely in Gaborone and spent the last couple of hours on Harold and Geraldine "stoop"  which we would call a veranda. It's warm and sunny and the garden has beautiful butterflies and bright yellow weaver birds, and three impala which I've already seen.
The flight was uneventful, sleep being one of the events that didn't happen. They woke us (huh!) at 5.20am and on my side of the plane there was a spectacular sunrise, the whole horizon above the clouds was fiery orange and turquoise. When the sun came up it was fast fiery and  too bright to look at, had to pull the blind down.
By  the way at Heathrow the baggage check saw fit to take every single thing out of my rucksack and shoulder bag. It's a testament to my packing skills that the contents of these two bags filled four of their cat litter sized trays. They sent the two bags to forensics and took my binoculars, camera, Kindle and phone somewhere else. Eventually they thrust the whole lot back and said Have a good flight. I was very patient. I know they have a job to do. But come on guys..


  1. Hasn't anyone ever dared to tell you look like a hardcore terrorist ? ��.

  2. Fantastic. You are intrepid.
